Occasionally we feel disconnected from our work due to too little or unrealistic organizational goals. Unrealistic goals have a negative effect on employee’s engagement and the overall office culture. Employees remember and act on how their leaders and organizations make them feel.
7 key practices to creating SMART balanced goals:
1. Begin with the end in mind
2. Reflect on the personal meaning of the goals to you
3. Seek input from those that will be doing the work
4. Goals should align with the organizations mission and strategy
5. They must be clear and easy to understand
6. Progress towards the goals must be measurable
7. Once the goals are set encourage people to achieve them
If this is the spa's mission, then they could set aa goal like this: "Each treatment room should be infused daily with an essential oil that suits the treatment whether for relaxation or invigoration." This goal is specific, measurable, attainable, timed and relevant to the work, and should be assigned to the technician/aesthetician who is responsible for preparing the rooms.
Bottom Line - Positive SMART goals require that the leaders know their teams strengths so they can be utilized. Also input from all different levels of an organization should be received. Achievable goals will be balanced. What goals have you set for the year that have been accomplished? Do you have goals in mind for the future? Comment below!